
Msi fan control bios
Msi fan control bios

Just as your system reboots, observe the fans carefully and quickly. 56 and choose the second item, "Save Changes and Reboot." This will save your changes and reboot.

msi fan control bios

Then use Esc to get back to the main screen and click on Save and Exit at top right. Use the Esc key to back up one level and access the next header until you get them all set. But for EACH SYS_FAN header that you are using for your case fans, ensure that the header is set to use DC Mode. The manual does not show details for that. I am in the habit of not merely pressing that key I hold it down until the BIOS Setup opening screen (p.40) appears. It says when you start up the system, press the "Del" key. On p.33 of your manual it says you can make this setting for EACH of the headers you are using by accessing the correct BIOS Setup screens. To control their speeds your mobo header they are plugged into MUST be configured to use the older Voltage Control Mode (aka DC Mode) and NOT the newer PWM Mode. I am pretty sure each has THREE wires from it (Red, Black and Yellow), and they end in a connector with THREE holes.

msi fan control bios

Look at the wires from each of your four fans.

Msi fan control bios